Community Involvement

2023 Bullard Cares DAy
Bullard is committed to making communities stronger through community involvement as well as financial support. One way we demonstrate that commitment is through our annual Bullard Cares Day. This year it took place on Friday, September 8th with 113 Bullard team members participating in over a dozen projects throughout the Cynthiana-Harrison County Community. In addition to the hands-on projects, Bullard distributed $5,600 in financial contributions to 12 non-profit organizations nominated by our team members.
Bullard team members completed various service projects including distribution of food boxes, visiting with local elderly, construction of a community Riverwalk, passing out food at a local food bank, tree and brush cleanup at a local youth ballpark, created sewing projects for home healthcare patients, yard work for Jackie’s House, beautification of downtown Cynthiana, and worked at the Shropshire Animal Shelter.

2023 CEntral Kentucky Heart Walk
Bullard celebrated its participation in the Central Kentucky Heart Walk, where 35 team members joined 1,500 others to support the American Heart Association’s life-saving efforts. The event, held at Keeneland on May 13th, fostered a family-friendly atmosphere, and attracted heart disease survivors, supporters, and caring individuals. The company’s team surpassed its fundraising goal, amassing approximately $10,000. Bullard, recognized as the Healthcare Heroes Sponsor, highlighted emergency responders’ role in fighting heart disease, providing CPR training tools, and gifts to fire stations. The event’s impact resonated, improving lives and healthcare access.

2022 Bullard Cares DAy
In September, Bullard employees participated in the first annual Bullard Cares Day, as part of our 50 Years of Business in Cynthiana celebration. “We could not be who we are today without the support of the communities in which we do business…” stated Bullard President and CEO, Wells Bullard. Bullard aspires to make our communities stronger and so a day dedicated to community service was established. Bullard partnered with local leadership to identify projects across the community that would benefit the community at large and our employees would volunteer their time to complete the projects. The local City Commission and County Fiscal Court pledged up to $50,000 in funding to cover the supplies for the various projects as well as the assistance of City and County employees and equipment necessary to complete the projects.
The two projects identified were a river walk and adding youth softball fields to our community park. The idea inspired other local businesses and civic organizations and together we are continuing to work to complete these two large projects that will benefit the community for years to come. The groundwork was able to be completed before winter, but more work will continue into the spring, and we are scheduled for full completion by next summer.

Bullard Sponsors the 2023 Veterans VA5k
Bullard is proud to sponsor the Veterans VA5K that will take place in Lexington on November 5, 2023. Proceeds from the race will go to the Lexington Veterans Affairs Medical Center Volunteer Program and the Fisher House, a newly built comfort home that provides lodging for the families of patients. Todd Brown, IT Administrator and Bullard Cares Donations Committee Chair is pictured with VA5K Board Member, Brian Kinney.

Bullard cares for community seniors
Harrison County Senior Citizens and Adult Day Center welcomed Bullard employees as they lead activities for local seniors. Bullard employees played board games, bingo, and other carnival style games and handed out popcorn and cotton candy treats to seniors and residents at Edgemont Nursing Home.

Bullard employees volunteer at animal shelter
A group of Bullard employees spent the morning volunteering at the Flora-Shropshire Animal Shelter. The group helped clean animal cages, swept and mopped floors, fed and watered animals and most importantly loved on them. “It’s always good to have Bullard support our shelter and we’re glad to have you,” says Animal Control Officer, Alan Fryman. It’s really hard to say who enjoyed the day more, our employees or the animals, but it’s safe to say a fun time was had by all.

Bullard Donates to Firefighter Cancer Support Network
Bullard continues partnership with the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) by gathering for a check presentation at FDIC 2021. FCSN’s mission is to support, educate, and bring awareness. They also assist firefighters and EMS providers, along with their immediate families, who have been diagnosed with cancer, by providing badge-to-badge support, training and guidance.

Bullard cellebrates manufacturing day
Manufacturing Day is a national event that occurs on the first Friday of October each year, during which manufacturers across the nation open their doors to showcase the potential of modern manufacturing, generate interest in manufacturing careers, and promote understanding of the manufacturing industry. Bullard celebrated Manufacturing Day this with educational tours for local students and sharing information about advanced manufacturing on a local radio broadcast. “Manufacturing offers unique, creative, exciting and well-paying career opportunities, yet many of today’s students view manufacturing as a dark, dirty and dangerous profession for unskilled workers,” Danita Ecklar, Human Resource Manager shared. The group talked with listeners about how having a strong manufacturing industry in your communities helps communities to thrive.
Manufacturers and are not only interested in producing products but are also vested in our communities through service projects and providing financial support. Bullard along with other manufacturers partner with local schools to offer tours and talk with students about the career opportunities available after high school and educate them on our products and the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing Day is an event that students and manufacturers look forward to each year.

Bullard Partners with the Firefighter Cancer Support Network
Bullard was thrilled to donate $10,000 to the Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) at FDIC. FCSN’s mission goes hand in hand with our Bullard Cares Mission and we were honored to partner with the organization. But it doesn’t stop here. Proceeds from our Bullard Cares Kits and Bullard Decon Cloths sales in 2019 will go back to FCSN as well.

American Red Cross Sound The Alarm Event
The Bullard team was thrilled to partner with the American Red Cross to help Sound the Alarm and save lives! The team installed 57 smoke alarms in Lexington as part of the Red Cross’ nationwide event to install 100,000 smoke detectors in homes across the United States while educating families about fire prevention and safety. During the past 5 years, the Lexington American Red Cross Chapter and their volunteers have saved the lives of 51 people who safely escaped a home fire after smoke alarms were installed.

Go Pink Charity Campaign
Bullard proudly sponsored the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Lexington, KY. Bullard kicked off the walk by presenting a $7,500 donation to the ACS. Several Bullard employees participated in the walk, alongside breast cancer survivors and other members of the Lexington community. In addition to sponsoring the American Cancer Society, Bullard donated 10% of all pink Hard Hat sales in the month of October to ACS.

Harrison County Community Fund’s Park Project
Members of the Bullard Community Involvement Committee presented a charitable donation to the Harrison County Community Fund at Bullard’s Headquarters. The money donated helped the community’s effort in lighting a local park’s pathway to increase public safety.

Bullard Donates for Firefighter Cancer Research
Bullard was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Dinges Fire Company in raising both money and awareness for the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation for Firefighter Cancer Research. More than 5,000 tickets for their Harley Davidson giveaway were sold and the proceeds were donated to the Foundation. Congratulations to Chris Johnson with Dahlgren IL Fire who won the motorcycle.

Employees Give Back to Local Animal Shelter
Working together, Bullard employees accumulated over 750 pounds of dog and cat food, as well as over $1,000 in cash, and donated these items to a local animal shelter in Cynthiana, KY. The animal shelter heavily relies on donations to support animals they save.